Thursday, February 18, 2016

Is this article good for us?

Is this article good for us?

  I heard about one article named 'public, let's get to start as soon as storm of diet tips'. What does this article tell to us? This article tells how to diet hard and get good results. Also, this article wants lots of people to read it. Now we know what this article tells, so let's talk about our main question, 'Is this article good for us?'. I think this article isn't good for us, and I will tell you the reason.

  This article isn't good for us, because it talks to who doesn't need diet. If only fat people who really needs diet see this, I think it's okay. But the problem is lots of the skinny people read this article and do this diet seriously. For example, think about it, this article isn't supposed to be to skinny people, but skinny person read this article and think 'oh, maybe I'm fat! I have to start diet!' because the article says 'do a diet'. It would be awful, but it's reality. They should write about diet tips to people who really needs diets. This article isn't telling things to the right person. 

  This article isn't good for us, because we can be sick when we do hard diet. Hard diet is very dangerous, that someone even died. For example, a woman who did hard diets with eating diet pills, eating less, or eating one-food diet died because of the undernourishment. If we do diet, we might forget that we have to think about our health. Also, we might damage one's health. This article is telling about dangerous things.

  This article isn't good for us, because it gives us bad influence. When we read this article, while one in unconscious, we think if we want to be pretty, we have to be skinny. Because this article is about doing diet and it tells it to public. For example, these days, even skinny people think 'I am fat', and starts hard diet to be pretty. It isn't a good idea to incite them. This article is making what pretty is, and spreading out that to the public. This article make us think skinny is pretty.

  In conclusion, this article isn't good for us. But, this might be good for person who needs and wants to diet(if it's a safe way to diet). So I think it is matter of opinion, but my opinion is "this article isn't good for us".

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