Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Proudest moment in my life

 The proudest moment in my life was when I passed BHA's entrance exam.
 The first time when my mom told me about BHA and asked do I want to go to that school, Then I said "I'll never go there." It was because I was scared at moving places and moving schools. I didn't like being separate with my old friends.
 But mom told me about BHA's goods things, and she said I can make other friends and also I can keep contact with my old friends. So I thought it might be good and I changed my mind to go to BHA. When I heard I passed, I couldn't believe it. But I was so happy and proud of my self that I passed even though I didn't had 
enough times. It was because I decided it suddenly. So I thought I wouldn't pass.  
 I think there are more proud moment in my life, but this is I remember the latest date. I will make more proud moments and I will try to be a good student in BHA.   


  1. I agree with you. It would be proud of yourself when you passed the test.

  2. I am same as you, my proudest moment was when I pass the test.
