Thursday, March 3, 2016

Boy leader of child labour protest is shot dead

"Boy leader of child labour protest is shot dead" have you heard about this article? It's about one boy who worked at the carpet factory in Pakistan. The boy's name is Iqbal Masih. He worked 10 hours in a day, and he only got 1rupee. Do you know how much is 1 rupee? It's only 0.015 US dollars, and it is 18.16 won in Korea. It means he earned 0.015 dollars for working 10 hours in a day! And working for 10 hours are too hard for young boy. Iqbal was only 12 years old. I was surprised that he is just 1 years older than me. Also, that factory wasn't a good environment to work. The factory was too dirty, dark and cold for the children who works long time. My friends and I pretended to be a worker like Iqbal in the class to understand the workers. We made our classroom cold and dark, and we got our work. It was to hard to standing all the time during work. Also, teachers was keep telling us 'work faster' or 'you aren't working hard enough', and it was very annoying and disrupting. I think it would be terrible to be a real worker. I was just pretending to be a worker so I didn't work very long time and the work wasn't hard as a real work. I wondered why Iqbal was working so hard in that factory. The article that I read said he has to work in that factory because his parents had dept 13,000 rupees to factory's owner. Now we know why Iqbal worked in the factory, so I think you might be curious about why he is shot dead. A boy who worked in a carpet factory is dead because the carpet mafia shotted him. The only reason of his dead was that he outspoken criticism of bonded child labour. This is very unfair. How could they kill young boy who just wanted normal life? But Iqbal was very brave boy. I think he knew he might be killed, but he wanted to stop child labour so he got his courage and outspoken his opinion to the whole world. And I think he's action will give courage to other kids who is doing child labour. But there are still many kids doing child labour. I hope child labour abolish quickly and there would be no more victims like Iqbal.

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