Wednesday, June 1, 2016


Today, our group used all of our times for our art project. There are no time to finish our art anymore. Today I printed out my information from the computer that I'll put on the design. And I cut and put on them at the design a lot. Hansun kept help me because she finished her job(she's a recorder). And Arim kept working on her 3D design. There were some noises of her put some nails on our design with the drill. At the design, we will put some informations about our group, water pollution Q&A, and our actions. All we have to do is now printing them and putting them on our design. It sounds like easy, but those works take a lot of time then we thought. The design is due tomorrow! We have to work faster. And we have to work on our lesson and essay and other works in our speciallis classes. I'm sure that exhibition is the job that needs a lot of time. Even 10 weeks are too less times! I think I have to use my time wisely. Maybe I could work at it at recess. I thought well that Hansun and I worked after school at our art work.

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