Friday, June 3, 2016

Lesson Reflection

Yesterday, we did our lesson rehearsal. So at today's blog, I'm going to write my lesson reflection with Mr Cavanagh's question.

What went well in your lesson?

At my lesson, I think it went well that we did water testing with the audience. The audience could know which water is clean by their own experiment.

What didn’t go well?

We forgot to bring some materials that we need at our lesson. I think we have to prepare things better next time.

What do you need to change or improve on for next week?

We have to change some of our plans. For example, we decided to show our art display to the audience. But there will be many people than yesterday, so half of them have to another thing. I'm thinking about showing them a video about our topic.

What impressed you about another groups lesson today?
Between some lessons I have saw yesterday, I think Ara and Yeonseo's lesson was interesting. They're lesson was like a real lesson, not a presentation. They did well because they're lesson did something with the audience.

Now my reflection is done. I hope we could do better at the final lesson, remembering the lesson rehearsal!

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