Language Usage Checklist for Exhibition
What will discussion sound like in Grade 5?
- We will use English in our groups UNLESS we need to translate the meaning of a word or phrase that needs clarification or elaboration.
- Then we will remember to switch back to English once we have clarified or elaborated our ideas.
- In partners, we will use English.
- When we are thinking solo we can use either English or Korean/Chinese.
- In teams, we will use English for all conversation unless we are clarifying the meaning of something.
Weekly self-assessment for language usage (Put an X next to your answer.)
This week I was able to use English and Korean/Chinese as per the class expectations.
- Yes X
- Mostly ____________
- Not always _________
The part that was most difficult for me to do was:
- Class discussion X
- Teams in English ______
- Pairs in English _______
- Solo in English ________
- Switch back after using Korean/Chinese _____________
Strategies I used this week:
- I used Korean/Chinese when I:
- Asked a question X
- Expressed an idea X
- Clarified a word X
- Clarified a phrase X
- Elaborated my ideas _____
- Took notes X
- Worked in a team X
- Worked in a pair X
- Worked alone X
- Joked around X
- Had social conversation X
- I used English when I:
- Asked a question X
- Expressed an idea X
- Clarified a word X
- Clarified a phrase _______
- Elaborated my ideas _____
- Took notes X
- Worked in a team X
- Worked in a pair X
- Worked alone X
- Joked around _________
- Had social conversation ______
Look at your goal from last week. Did you accomplish your goal this week? What did you do that helped you accomplish it? or Should you have done to better meet your goal?
This week I am most proud of:That I made a good teamwork in exhibition.
Next week my goal is:Keep on developing my English.