Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Exhibition Reflective

Today, we decided our exhibition topics with our team members. Our team's topic is 'water pollution'. There were two opinions, 'water pollution' and 'testing animals', and finally we decided to do about 'water pollution'. I think we decided well because I don't like doing same thing with other teams. There were other team who were doing about animals. And we wrote about us at our exhibition booklet, too. We wrote about things that I want to share with my group and things that I am good at as a learner. We also wrote about IB profile trait or attitude that I am strong at, and IB profile trait or attitude that I want to strength it. And lastly, we wrote about something that my mentor would to know about me,. And next, I remember that we signed up in managebac and send an email to our mentors. Also, we decided about are we going to do music or drama. And our team decided to do drama. I hope we can make a good teamwork again for the rest of the exhibition!

The Picture of Reflection


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