Thursday, April 21, 2016

Transdisciplinary themes

There are 6 transdisciplinary themes that we learned. The 6 themes are 'How we organize ourselves', 'How the world works', 'Sharing the planet', 'Where we are in place and time', 'Who we are', and 'How we express ourselves'. We learned each different things at these themes. I came at the middle of the year, so I don't know what my classmates learned before I came, but I learned 'Who we are' and 'How we express ourselves'. I remember I learned about adolescence during 'Who we are'. And during 'How we express ourselves', we learned about racism, gender inequality, child labor, and religion. I think I forgot some things that we learned, but these are the most thing I can think of now. And I think I am most interested in 'How we express ourselves'. Because the things that I learned in 'How we express ourselves' was most interesting to me. I was most interested about gender inequality in 'How we express ourselves'. And I will learn more about what I want to.

source:the article view image


  1. I have interest on gender inequality too...

  2. I was angry when I learn gender inequality, because women can work well as men but they give last pay. Jobs like designer and musician, women do better than men.
