Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Bilingualism means using two languages. And there are 6 levels in bilingualism(reference the picture). I think I am in level three. Level three is compound bilingual/dominant bilingual. And it means 'A person who is more proficient in one of the two languages'. I think I am in level three because I can speak and understand both language, but still I feel more comfortable at my mother tongue, Korean. I am still at level three, but I want to get to in level five or six. Because if we are in level five or six, it means we are good at both language and we are really a bilingualism people. Also I think knowing many language will help us to communicate with many people. So to get to level five or six, I will need many practice at language. I think speaking in both language will help us a lot. Because if we talk in both language, we can learn more words or expressions. And I think listing or reading will help us too. I am trying to read English books and see English movies these days. I think first I have to learn more about English. Because I am already good at Korean, so if I want to get to next level, I have to make my English and Korean equal. But also learning our mother tongue is important, too. Because our mother tongue will help us understand better in our second language. And another reason is, for example if I don't study Korean and only study English, I will get back to level three with the opposite situation. So I think practicing both language is important.

The picture's source? It might be Mrs. Archie because she send this picture.

1 comment:

  1. I liked that you told the reader what bilingualism is because there might be some people who don't know what bilingualism means. I also agree with you that we must use both languages, but using more of the weak language will be good idea!
