Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Blob Tree

This is the picture of the blob tree. There are many blobs and they are all at each different high, and they have all different emotions. Today at class, we talked about what blob are we in exhibition. And I think I am the blob at the bottom of the tree, starting climbing and getting help by other blob. Actually, I made a purple circle at that blob to see more clearly. I think that blob is me because I am now starting exhibition and that blob is starting to climb tree, so I thought it was similar to me. And another reason is that the blob is getting help from the other blob. I am not doing by my self at exhibition, I'm doing with my friends. I thought I am getting some support by my partners during exhibition, so I think I'm similar to that blob.


  1. I'm the blob that is helping you get on ! I like to help my group.

  2. Nice reflection Seojin, you're certainly well on your way through the Exhibition. It is great that you feel as though you are supported by your group.
