Thursday, April 14, 2016

Overnight experience

Today, I had an overnight experience at school. We did lots of activities, and it was very fun. I think this experience was a good chance to prepare exhibition. Because we learned some skills that would help us during exhibition, and I think it helped our friendship, too. My most memorable thing was when we went to bed. Because it was fun to sleep with all of our classmates. I was very excited so I couldn't get sleep early. I think the other kids were same as me too. Even the teachers were walking and checking us, they were still playing loudly. Also, I can remember about the music that came out when we are sleeping(actually talking). One of the teacher(I don't know her name) was walking around with the music, saying kind of like "One.. Two.. Three.. Breath in.. Breath out..". I felt like I was being lost in meditation because of the music. I was sleeping next to Kate, and Kate and we were saying like "When do the music ends?" because the music was very, very long. And another thing that I liked was riding bikes and going to Gotjawal. Because it was fun to ride bikes, and I liked Gotjawal. Gotjawal was like a mystery deep forest. Also, I liked that I could talk with my friends while we walk. This experience went very fun because of many things!!

image from google.
if you want to see the original image, click here!


  1. I agree with you the 'very long' music. I also agree with you that Gotjawal was like a mysterious forest.

  2. I agree with you about long music. I was laugh with Hyodam when teacher say ' One.. Two.. Three.. Breath in.. Breath out.. ' because it was so~~~ funny.

  3. Me too. I started falling and falling and f
    into sleep with the meditation music.

  4. When Ms.Steven say that it makes me want to sleep but the ground is too hard and it is hard to sleep and i surprise with I'm the first one who sleep in the chinese girls

  5. When I lying down to the sleeper bag, I just sleep. Like fall down in a faint. Also, I can see you sleep lately because I heard Kate sleep very late.
