Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Action Assembly

We did something special today! Guess what! We did....

Our Action Assembly! Yeah!

So at today's blog, I'll tell you about today's assembly. At the PAC, we did our presentation in front of JS and our parents. There were many people at PAC, so I was a bit nervous when I presented. But fortunately, I didn't make a mistake at saying. And I think it was good that we prepared clean water and dirty water and asked the audience which looks like clean instead of the video. But we had a mistake at our time part. We didn't expect the audience won't say the correct answer at the quiz, so we took so many times at it. Also, I have to change one thing at presenting. I think I have to say like communicating, not just saying. I want to do better next time, remembering today's assembly.


  1. Seojin, I like your blog, but I hope you divide paragraph.

  2. Great assembly item Seojin and nice reflection on your presentation skills.
