Monday, May 9, 2016


We did many things during this week's exhibition. Also, we need to finish some things in coming weeks. We need to finish our action plan, research and field trip in these weeks. And what my group have done is researching. Also, we did organizing our thoughts and plans and get some informations. But I think we spent most time on researching. I think time management is important for these few weeks. Because we have to finish lots of things in short terms. At today's art class, most of students didn't do their homework, so we couldn't do the next step. And I think those student weren't managing their time very well. And I have some goals during this term. I want to get done with these things:

1. Thinking about our action in more specific way.
2. Getting more information about water pollution.
3. Organizing our thoughts well and using time wisely.

I will remember these goals and try to keep.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog and goals Seojin. Your group is working very well together during exhibition and have some excellent ideas relating to field trips and action. Well done.
