Monday, May 16, 2016

Daily reflection

Today in art, we got our new work to do. Architect's job was to build a model of their 3D project. Our architect is Arim, and I saw the process of her making. I thought it was very interesting job. And recorder's job was collecting more informations. Our recorder is Hansun, and I saw her taking some pictures and gathered informations. And the graphic designer(that's me!!!)'s job was making 5 colours that is related to our topic. Our team's topic is water pollution and our colour is red, green, black, blue and white. I chose those colours because red is the colour of oil spill, green and white is the colour for clean nature or environment. Black is for polluted water, and blue is for clean water. And now I have to make a 2D design with those colours!!!

And at class exhibition time, we talked about our presentation. We discussed about what are we going to present about and how can we do it well. And we chose where to present and submitted the google form. Also, I remembered we did the kahoot question and after that, we discussed about the topic. We discussed a lot... 

I think I have to work hard and make some good ideas during exhibition. Also, it's important to manage our times! Oh my god, we already pasted the half of exhibition!!! We must work quickly.

1 comment:

  1. A very busy time with lots to think about. Consider creating a 'to do' list. You can put the most important things on top and cross them off when they are completed. Here is a app that I use to keep track of all of the things I need to do.
