Wednesday, May 11, 2016

exhibition reflection

Today, I will write a blog post about our exhibition reflection. At the first and second period, we went to music or drama. When we first discussed where to go, music or drama, we decided to do drama. But last week when we started to go to the class, we changed our mind and went to music class. I think we have to think carefully when we are choosing something. Anyway, we decide to compose one song's text for music. Our song is <A Thousand Years>. I am playing the piano and Hansun and Arim will sing. And we worked on composing the song today. Composing wasn't very easy. I think it's hard because we have to both think about our topic's message and the rhythm of the song. We finished the part one today, and we are going to do part two next week. I think I have to practice my piano hard to do the music successfully.

And at the class discussion, we talked about tomorrow's student led conferences. Mrs Archie told us the way to go through the conferences, and we talked about what we can talk about at the conference. We said we could talk about our topic, actions, field trip, and research. I think we can tell our parents all about our exhibition work. Also, Mrs Archie said that we are going to lead the conference because it's a 'student led' conference. I hope I could do well at leading the conference!! And at the free exhibition time, we did some more researches and took some notes. We searched about more information about the water pollution, our action and field trip. We decided to go field trip tomorrow after the conference. I think it will be fun to go at somewhere and do exhibition!

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