Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Blob Tree

Today our blog task is doing our blob tree reflection again. And I will compare my last time's blob and today's blob. Last time, I was the blob all the way down the tree, starting to climb. And today, I am the blob that are sitting with it's friend by the middle of the tree. Actually, I made a purple circle on them to see more clearly. I think that blob is me because our team is cooperating well these days. And we did more works, like research and planing our action during these few weeks. So I thought I went higher than before. Seeing by the blob tree, I think I did quite good work during exhibition. I think I did well because I climbed higher and I see that blob looks like more comfortable than my last blob. Truly, I did more work and I feel more comfortable than when I first started exhibition. Now I feel like I'm climbing the exhibition tree higher and higher. I'm still not at the top, so I will work hard to finish climbing the exhibition tree well!

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