Monday, May 2, 2016

Attitude and Learner profile

Today, our task is to choose and explain about attitude and Learner profile.
First, I used the attitude 'creativity' today. Creativity is to be creative and imaginative in our thinking. I was creative when I made our team's button in art class. Making button is similar to making a team logo. I put our team name, central idea, team member's name and a picture. I think I was creative because I thought about button's shape and create it. 
And the second thing is explaining about the attitude that I would like to use it during this week. The attitude that I'd like to use is 'cooperate'. Cooperate means to work together with others. And I want to use this attitude because we have to work together as a team during exhibition. So I think cooperate will be important to me.

1 comment:

  1. I agreed about you need creativity for making a button.
    Ps. I'm graphic designer too.
