Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Exhibition Reflect

Today, we worked on our music piece. We practiced at matching the song with piano. I played the piano and Arim and Hansun sang the song. It was a bit hard because sometimes I was wrong with my music and sometimes Arim and Hansun was wrong with the song's tempo or texts. There's no time and we still have some mistakes, so I think we have to practice a lot at our music.

And at class time, we focused at our essay writing. I used some of my research and action to write my essay. I finished my body paragraph and introduction, so I'm planning to write my conclusion and edit it. Our essay has to done by next Friday, so I have to hurry up!

And we had special art class today. Mr Hammond, who is our art teacher said we need more time for our art work. So we had one more time period today for our art work. We finished making our model and started building, and I kept working on my 2D design. It was fun to do it, but we have only one more time period. We decided to come at lunch recess and do our work, too. 

Wow! After I write everything and read it, I could find that all things we have to do it has no time! What a surprise that we have only one week left to prepare our work. I hope we could finish our work on time.

image source :

1 comment:

  1. I remember you did 'A thousand years'. I play the piano and you got a shock. (:
